On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 10:13:08PM -0500, Jon Lewis wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> >1) DNS servers which are not configured to blackhole IANA-reserved
> >  network blocks (read: the majority) will blindly try to reach
> > and friends.
> - This block is assigned as "TEST-NET" for use in
>    documentation and example code.  It is often used in conjunction with
>    domain names example.com or example.net in vendor and protocol
>    documentation.  Addresses within this block should not appear on the
>    public Internet.

I was going purely off of what ARIN reports:

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority RESERVED-192 (NET-192-0-0-0-1)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA (NET-192-0-2-0-1)

If there is something magical about, then I'd love to
know what it is (please do educate me!).  But from my perspective, it
just looks like another IANA-reserved netblock.

> That /24 doesn't show up in BGP unless something is broken or you have a 
> cymru bogon feed.  Either way, worst case is you're default routing to an 
> ISP/NSP and the packets get a few hops before someone drops them as 
> unroutable.

Right, so the mentality here is that "someone" will eventually
filter the packets or they'll be dropped due to a null route
BGP rule.  This I understand, but IMHO it's better to filter such
packets before they ever reach someone else's networking gear.
(Sorry if I'm not phrasing this as eloquently as possible.)  In my
case, I simply purchase co-lo space from providers and rely on their
routing configurations, hoping they're doing things properly.  But
as one can see from the ipfw stats I pasted, some aren't.  Understand
where I'm coming from?

> >2) Some people (like myself) have ipfw/pf rules which block and
> >  log outbound packets to reserved blocks.  We log these because
> >  usually it's the sign of broken software or possibly some weird
> >  IP routing (read: OS IP stack) problem.  In the case of ipfw (I
> >  haven't tested pf), the block gets reported to underlying layers
> >  as EACCES, which can be incredibly confusing for admins.
> If it means they get noticed, mission accomplished.  That's exactly what 
> Paul wants.

In that case, it's a win-win situation.

> >My vote is to simply remove the NS and A records for maps.vix.com
> >and let people utilise search engines and mailing list archives to
> >figure out where to go (mail-abuse).
> The vix.com NS's will get slammed with all the DNSBL queries then.
> The suggestions I made at least get some of the queriers (assuming they 
> have properly functioning caches) off your back for a while.

Hmm, yes, you're absolutely correct.  But I'm curious why you picked rather than some other reserved block?  (I've also sent
a copy of this discussion to an associate of mine at Nominum, who's
now wondering the same thing I am...)

I've found this thread immensely educational so far!

| Jeremy Chadwick                                 jdc at parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                        http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                   Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.               PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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