My Mom kicks all you's buttocks.  Got a Radio Shack franchise in
1983, we kids got in on the ground floor of personal computing
(on Color Computers and TRS-80's).

She does tech support for others her age.  Or did, in Colorado in
a community for older folks, and is now in Costa Rica figuring
out how to get online.

Seth Johnson

Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2007, at 4:31 AM, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
> > On 2/12/07, Gadi Evron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > As a very smart person said a couple of weeks ago when this same
> > argument
> > was made: are you willing to do tech-support for my mother is she uses
> > linux?
> >
> >         Gadi.
> >
> > Name anyone techie who doesn't have to do tech support for their
> > mother on MS Windows..
> >
> >
> The ones whose Mom's got Macs, of course. (Well, in my case it's my
> Mother-in-Law, but the
> tech support required has dramatically reduced.)
> Regards
> Marshall


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