On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Brandon Galbraith wrote:
> Anyone having problems with Hurricane Electric in Chicago?
> I'm seeing all my packets through them dropped at gsr12012.chi.he.net [
>]. Just wanted to see if I'm the only one.
> We're utilizing Hurricane Electric via the Equinix Direct service.

The card in slot 5 of that router has failed and has taken down the
router.  We are waiting on Equinix smart hands to get to the router to
pull the card, etc.  In the mean time we reboot the router.

In the future, you are welcome to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
depending on the urgency.  We would be happy to help you.

+----------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -----------------+
| Mike Leber           Direct Internet Connections   Voice 510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric     Web Hosting  Colocation       Fax 510 580 4151 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       http://www.he.net |

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