Sweet! That means I don't need to drive to AZ to get that AR15 I have
been wanting to get!


On 3/7/07, Joseph S D Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 01:01:40PM +0000, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
> One of my blog-related interests is the career of Russian arms dealer
> Viktor Bout. I recently checked out the namebase.org social network
> diagram for him...and was a little surprised to see where our very own
> Paul Vixie comes in it.
> http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?BOUT_VICTOR_
> Is there something he's not telling us?
> More seriously, good work.

Lauren Weinstein, too.  I can't imagine im as an arms dealer!

Unless it's a different LW.

Joe Yao
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