On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Justin M. Streiner wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:
> > - Technical Support Representative
> > - Network Administrator
> > - Senior Network Administrator
> > Or, you could just call them all "booger eaters" and be done with it.
> "Booger Eater (I/II/III/IV) just doesn't look good on a business card :)
> "Network Administrator" or some variant thereof could work, if the 
> person/group in question has appropriately defined roles.  For some 
> reason, it always bothered me when reading job posings for "Network 
> Administrator", only to find out it means they need you to babysit 20 
> Windows boxes :(

Why not explain to HR why they are needed and let them set the title?

Anyway, I have a friend who used managed to get "Not A Janitor" on his
business card.

> jms

^^ like the babylon 5 creator?


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