On Mar 31, 2007, at 11:57 PM, Gadi Evron wrote:

You do realize this post is not about Microsoft or IE 0days, right?

Your words made it clear that it was.

Generalizing from "Windows 0day" to "coordinate shutdown of DNS for evil domain in a timely fashion" is just obfuscating that the only reason to do so is because Windows is the way it is.

From your original post, you explicitly defined the "Internet emergency" as

"a critical 0day vulnerability currently exploited in the wild threatens numerous desktop systems"

The desktop systems in question were all Windows ones, as I am sure you know.

Up-ending methods of basic Internet admin functions that have evolved over many years, due solely to Windows problems is only going to paper over the underlying problem.

I would prefer not to turn this into an OS flamefest, my only point is that *this list* is not the proper venue to discuss this issue; nor the methods that you suggest as a remedy, regardless of merit.

Again if the rest of the list wants to continue, then so be it.


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