On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> Gadi Evron wrote:
> > What are your thoughts on basic suggestions such as:
> > 1. Allowing registrars to terminate domains based on abuse, rather than
> > just fake contact details.
> Are you crazy or what?  Ever heard of due process?  What is abuse?  Who
> decides that?  Office of pre-crime?

Now you're talking. What *would* be due process, and if it happens, how do
we follow up?

> In the end the cure is worse than the diseas (by abusing the anti-abuse
> system.  DMCA abuse anyone?  Or the stupid bogons list so many people
> forget to update every friggin time IANA allocated a new /8 to one of
> the RIRs?)
> > 3. For true emergencies threatening the survivability of the system,
> > shoudln't we be able to black-list a domain in the core?
> Never ever should anything like that be done at the core.  Especially
> when you try to fix a problem that isn't even at the core but in one
> vendors operating system without a proper fix after having known it
> for more than five month.
> Gadi, you're barking up the wrong tree.  Try to hit Microsoft instead.
> -- 
> Andre

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