> >This is the costly bit that a domain registrar isn't going to be
> >likely to do.
> Well, you're not likely to get it for the $8.95 that Godaddy charges.
> Their abuse department does a remarkably good job, considering their
> volume and margins.

Most places are selling domains for around that price.  It was GoDaddy's
decision to try to handle abuse in this manner.  If they can't do it at
this price point, why is that a problem that their customers should have
inflicted on them?

So do you really think that the true abusers are getting nuked?  Or is
it more likely that they register a name at GoDaddy, get nuked once,
and then go elsewhere for future activities?

That means that the volume of legitimate complaints at GoDaddy ought to
be somewhat lower than at their competitors, which simultaneously means
that they would *need* to be doing a much better job of analysis, or they
risk closing down legitimate domains more often.

> Perhaps the message here is that you get what you pay for.  For a rock
> bottom price, You get rock bottom service.  There are registrars that
> charge considerably more and provide considerably more service.

Personally, I don't consider "submit a spam complaint and get someone's
domain taken down without due diligence" to be a service.  However, I
guess I can make an exception and agree that GoDaddy is offering "rock
bottom service."

> ObOperations: I need a 1.5Mb net connection. I'm planning to pay
> $29.95/month, since I see lots of ads on TV for places offering that.
> Oh, and I expect five nines reliability and you can bet I will
> complain loudly and bitterly when I call in an outage at 3 AM and get
> the answering machine.

Sometimes that happens for hicap circuits too.  Don't get me started about
the provider that "only does BGP from 9 to 5."

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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