On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 11:48 -0700, chuck goolsbee wrote:
> >There's at least one datacenter in Seattle that when the customer "cards"
> >in, lights up the floor to their cabinet.... Been a while since I've been in
> >it, but I remember it "USED" to do that.... (fisher, internap I think?)
> Perhaps the infamous "unescorted customer EPO button-push incident of 
> 2005" prompted them to knock that off?

:-) I was at a new (to remain unnamed) hosting site, back in the hey day
when just about anybody could be hired as a new NOC manager.  The CTO
was giving me and some others a quick datacenter tour.  As we were
exiting one floor, the new NOC mgr moved passed me and commented to his
new boss that putting an uncovered big red button next to the door was
just too inviting... and he proceeded to push it as he asked what it
does.  :-)  All the lights went out, the large room went quiet.  The CTO
cursed and rushed out to figure out what to do next.  The rest of us
returned to the NOC... where the monkeys were still powered up and
playing games, not even aware that anything had happened.  Needless to
say, things changed drastically shortly thereafter.

-Jim P.

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