> (email string deleted...)
> I'm deeply saddened that the very folks who work so hard to 
> run the Internet
> are publicly speculating that DHS wants to take over the 
> 'net.  

Please provide some evidence of your assertion. I have seen no evidence
that the very folks who work so hard to run the Internet are making any
speculations at all about the DHS.

>Can somebody point to DHS 
> quotes that lend
> support to this idea?  Or are the ideas coming from a bunch 
> of pseudo-news
> hacked together by non-technical reporters that have 
> absolutely no idea what
> they are talking about?

Maybe you need to take your own advice here...

The fact is that *ANY* public agency attracts criticism. This is a good
thing. It is a good thing that people are criticising the DHS for what
it is doing and for what they imagine that it might be doing. This kind
of criticism, whether warranted or not, is what keeps public agencies on
their toes. Public agencies are complex beasts and one person cannot
fully understand all the activities and motives of the DHS. In fact, the
DHS itself changes as its personnel change, so what may be true of
today's DHS will not be true of tomorrow's.

Also note, that people can cooperate with and support certain DHS work,
while at the same time being vocal critics of the DHS. It's not a
zero-sum game.

--Michael Dillon

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