MRTG and other things will do this kind of alerting for you if I am not mistaken.

Certainly programs like Nagios and other "network" monitors can/will.

You will find that the more customers on a link (that is, the more the link resembles a backbone link and not a customer link) the less spikey the traffic is in general.

Individual/end-user links may need "upgrade" far sooner than their avg or 95th suggests. (Depending on QoS needs). The smaller the circuit, the more so. (Small here is anything under a Gigabit/s).

Just my thoughts,

Deepak Jain

Jason Frisvold wrote:


I'm working on a system to alert when a bandwidth augmentation is
needed.  I've looked at using both true averages and 95th percentile
calculations.  I'm wondering what everyone else uses for this purpose?

We're talking about anything from a T1 to an OC-12 here.  My guess is
that the calculation needs to be slightly different based on the
transport, but I'm not 100% sure.


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