On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 02:59:21PM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
> I think network engineers are too quick to use network identifiers for
> applications.

Analogous to using names or SSNs or anything else as a primary key
in a database.  The database people already figured out that if you
don't assign an identifier used solely for identification purposes,
then you can't capture the idea of something changing names (or IPs,
or whatever).

I think wifi is making this clear; I may connect from various wifi
networks, but I'm still me.  To deal with roaming mobile devices,
we'll have to figure out something to allow us to maintain
connectivity while changing IPs, right?  Same with DHCP in some cases.

Kill dash nine, and its no more CPU time, kill dash nine, and that
process is mine. -><- <URL:http://www.subspacefield.org/~travis/>
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