On Sun, 13 May 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:
> On Sun, 13 May 2007, Gadi Evron wrote:
> > "Passing the buck! Buck passer!" (see below - skip to Dilbert link)
> I guess you missed my attempts 3 or 4 years ago at trying to establish 
> some standards for CPE concerning security.  I've been at this party for
> a long time, I know how the song ends.
> > Not saying that you are wrong but... Ahh, these are out of our
> > control, nor will they do anything if we don't. Might as well tell users
> > not to patch their Windows systems as it's the responsibility of the store
> > who sold them the computer. Yes, it could help if the stores did
> > something.
> I spent about a year of my life working with Microsoft on getting patched 
> versions of Windows in the pipeline and getting OEMs to regularly update 
> their manufacturing copy being pre-installed on machines as they leave
> the factory.  So yes, it did help to improve things in the pipeline.

Just a joke, Sean.
What would you consider from your experience, the best way to make these
third parties take responsibility?

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