Joe Provo wrote:

> An obvious catalyst was commercialization of domains.  Which 
> interestingly enough leads us back to the lack of categories and 
> naming morass in which we live. I find it quite humourous that 
> new 'restrictive membership' branches of the tree are now being 
> proposed as a solution to the problem of identity (eg, .bank to 
> "solve" phishing).  Unless there will be some level of enforcement 
> teeth, we will see the same situtaion that played out in 94/95:

On a national level it's probably fairly easy to work this sort of thing
out. Lists of banks exist, as do lists of schools ( is
prepopulated). The and are only available to people with
the appropriate company form but aren't really that popular.

There's a larger issue of not just practicalities but is this in fact an
 appropriate use for DNS? DNS isn't a security mechanism.


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