On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Krichbaum, Eric wrote:

I saw this question a while ago but no (maybe one) answers.  Who does
have IPv6 in production today.  Of the fixedorbit.com top ten for

701 (MCI) - ?
7018 (AT&T) - ?
1239 (Sprint) - ?
174 (Cogent) - No.
3356 (Level3) - ?
209 (Qwest) - No.
3549 (Global Crossing) - ?
4323 (Time Warner Telecom) - ?
6461 (Abovenet) - ?
7132 (SBC) - ?

Is there anyone out that would supply an ISP with a tunnel to v6 routes?

Eric Krichbaum, PhD
Director, Retail Network Engineering
113 Platinum Drive, Suite B
Bridgeport WV 26330
Support: 800-881-2638
Fax: 304-848-5410


This might change things a bit..... (not immediately, of course...)

5 Telcoms Win GSA Contract


WASHINGTON, June 1, 2007 -- AT&T, Level 3, MCI, Qwest and Sprint were awarded telecommunications contracts worth up to $20 billion over 10 years by the US General Services Administration (GSA), the agency announced Thursday.


Carlos Friac,as                                            See:
Wide Area Network Working Group (WAN)                      www.gigapix.pt
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional      www.ipv6.eu
Av. do Brasil, n.101                                       www.6diss.org
1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal, Europe                          www.geant2.net
Tel: +351 218440100 Fax: +351 218472167
      The end is near........ see http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4
 "Internet is just routes (217118/774), naming (billions) and... people!"

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