On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, Roland Dobbins wrote:
It seems to me that the larger inference is that law enforcement are taking the botnet problem more seriously, which is what a lot of folks in the operational community have been advocating for a long time. While one aspect of the messaging is questionable, it seems to me that active national-level LEO involvement in this problem-space would be welcomed by many.

Its great to see FBI agents and the DOJ taking more interest in the problem of Bots and computer intrusions. I'm especially happy to see some arrests. The focus on home-grown bad guys was also good, instead
of pointing the finger at some random other country.  There are more than
enough bad guys in more than enough countries to go around. If US law enforcement makes any progress at home, each other country can work on
their native bad guys.

Unfortunately, most FBI agents probably have about as much control over the FBI press office as most ISP security engineers have over their marketing departments. While FBI agents may be working with ISP security engineers, I suspect the FBI press office didn't bothered to vet or coordinate its press release with ISPs before issuing it. We've
all cringed at one time or another at what our respective marketing
teams come up with.

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