On Tue, 24 Jul 2007, Mattias Ahnberg wrote:

> But it certainly would not hurt if there was a good way to report
> drones to ISPs and actually get some attention to the problem. A
> bunch of small streams quickly build up to a larger river in the
> end, I guess.

I'd point at the IETF/INCH-WG work for a standard abuse@ reporting
process/format... If you send hundreds or thousands of reports to an ISP
abusedesk (or ISPs' abusedesks) a standard machine parsable format is a
key ingredient.

I think that atleast one ISP would love to see standards formatted reports
about it's users ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), provided that the appropriate information
was included.

> Since almost every user is using the web a nice system could be
> to redirect reported PCs through a proxy the ISP controls where

there are a few nice walled garden solutions...  there isn't in general
one-size-fits-all, and they aren't always easy to convince folks to deploy
:) but sure.

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