But as George mentions... Sh*t happens.... There are things you can't
forsee, or maybe spend way too much engineering to overcome that 1
in a million "oops". I've been at Telehouse 25B a few times when
the "I never expected something like that would happen" happened. 
(I remember two guys with VERY LONG screwdrivers poking a live transfer
switch to get it to reset properly, and was told to step back 20 feet as
thats how far they expected to get thrown if they did something wrong).
(I also remember them resetting the switch, then TRIPPING it again just
to make sure it could be reset again!)


> They should have generators running...I can't foresee any good
> datacenter not having multiple generators to keep their customers
> servers online with UPS.
> -Ray
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Adrian Chadd
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:54 PM
> To: Seth Mattinen
> Cc: nanog list
> Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> > I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as
> a 
> > reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing
> > said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> > honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> > people actually *pay* for it.
> > If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?
> Didn't you read? He paid extra for super-reliable power from his
> electricity provider..
> Adrian

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