On Jul 25, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

If they can be avoided, why do we put up with them?  Do we really
want our colo in downtown San Francisco bad enough to take the risk
of having a single point of failure?  How can we, as engineers, ask
questions about how many generators, how much fuel, and yet take
for granted that there is one button on the wall that makes it all
turn off?  Is it simply that having colo in the middle of the city
is so convenient that it overrides the increased cost and the reduced
redundancy that are necessitated by that location?

        You forgot the default "Single Point of Failure" in anything..


The earth is a SPoF.  Let's put DCs on the moon.

Besides, safety always overrides convenience. And I don't think that is a bad trade off.


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