On 8/15/07, Barry Shein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I am not sure tasting is criminal or fraud.
> Neither am I, we agree. I meant if there's subsequent criminality or
> fraud that should be dealt with separately.

Dumb question, not necessarily looking to call you or anyone out, but
I'm curious: What valid, legitimate, or likely to be used non-criminal
reasons are there for domain tasting?

Then my next question is, what reasons are there where it'd be
wise/useful/non-criminal to do it on a large scale?

Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com   --   Chicago, IL, USA

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