On Sep 10, 2007, at 12:34 AM, Vinny Abello wrote:

One of the stranger things a field tech of ours encountered wasn't necessarily bad wiring (although it's not great), but the fact that the demarc was located next to the toilet in the bathroom. Naturally, the constant humidity caused bad corrosion problems and other issues with their telco services. :) So as a general rule of thumb, avoid putting your telco and/or network gear next to the crapper or the services the equipment is meant to provide might also stink

I know of one ISP that had their local POP in a small rural town, the bathroom of a local store, sitting on a shelf in rather close proximity to the sink (Sorry don't have pictures). So Router, modem bank and a couple T1's. The kicker was they had it all plugged into an extension cord that ran to another part of a back room. More than 1 time we (as the local telco) had to go out there cause they where certain it was a problem with the Ts, When in fact someone had either tripped over the power cord or unplugged it somehow.


Patrick Muldoon
Network/Software Engineer
INOC (http://www.inoc.net)
PGPKEY (http://www.inoc.net/~doon)
Key ID: 0x370D752C

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