On Oct 22, 2007, at 11:02 PM, Jeff Shultz wrote:

David Andersen wrote:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/28/ AR2007082801990.html
Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT. "About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive when you count that in per-capita terms.
Nice article.  Makes you wish...

For the days when AT&T ran all the phones? I don't think so...

For an environment that encouraged long-term investments with high payoff instead of short term profits.

For symmetric 100Mbps residential broadband.

But no - I was as happy as everyone else when the CLECs emerged and provided PRI service at 1/3rd the rate of the ILECs, and I really don't care to return to the days of having to rent a telephone from Ma Bell. :) But it's not clear that you can't have both, though doing it in the US with our vastly larger land area is obviously much more difficult. The same thing happened with the CLECs, really -- they provided great, advanced service to customers in major metropolitan areas where the profits were sweet, and left the outlying, low-profit areas to the ILECs. Universal access is a tougher nut to crack.


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