On 23-okt-2007, at 15:43, Sam Stickland wrote:

What I would like is a system where there are two diffserv traffic classes: normal and scavenger-like. When a user trips some predefined traffic limit within a certain period, all their traffic is put in the scavenger bucket which takes a back seat to normal traffic. P2P users can then voluntarily choose to classify their traffic in the lower service class where it doesn't get in the way of interactive applications (both theirs and their neighbor's).

Surely you would only want to set traffic that falls outside the limit as scavenger, rather than all of it?

If the ISP gives you (say) 1 GB a month upload capacity and on the 3rd you've used that up, then you'd be in the "worse effort" traffic class for ALL your traffic the rest of the month. But if you voluntarily give your P2P stuff the worse effort traffic class, this means you get to upload all the time (although probably not as fast) without having to worry about hurting your other traffic. This is both good in the short term, because your VoIP stuff still works when an upload is happening, and in the long term, because you get to do video conferencing throughout the month, which didn't work before after you went over 1 GB.

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