On Fri, Oct 26, 2007, Paul Ferguson wrote:

> If I'm sitting at the end of 8Mb/768k cable modem link, and paying
> for it, I should damned well be able to use it anytime I want.
> 24x7.
> As a consumer/customer, I say "Don't sell it it if you can't
> deliver it." And not just "sometimes" or "only during foo time".
> All the time. Regardless of my applications. I'm paying for it.

What I don't quite get is this, and this is probably skirting
"operational" and more into "capacity planning" :

* You aren't guaranteed 24/7 landline calls on a residential line;
  and everyone here should understand why.

* You aren't guaranteed 24/7 cellular calls on a cell phone; and
  again, everyone here should understand why.

So please remind me again why the internet is particuarly different?

The only reason I can think of is "your landline isn't marketed
as unlimited but your internet is" ..

(Who has actually, from time to time, received "congested" signals
on the PSTN and can distinguish that from "busy".)

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