The RIAA is specifically going after P2P networks.  As far as I
know, they are not going after Squid users/hosts.  Although they
may have at one point, it has never made the popular media as
their effort against the P2P networks has.  I'm not talking about
caching at all anyway.  I'm talking about what was suggested,
that ISP's play an active role in helping their users locate
"local" hosts to grab files from, rather than just anywhere out
on the Internet.  I think that is quite different than
configuring a transparent proxy.  Don't ask me why, it's not a
technical or even necessarily a legal question (and IANAL
anyway).  It's more of a perception issue with the RIAA.  If you
work at an ISP ask your legal counsel if this would be a good
idea.  I doubt they would say yes.

Fred Reimer, CISSP
Senior Network Engineer
Coleman Technologies, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Sean Donelan
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: Can P2P applications learn to play fair on networks?

On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Fred Reimer wrote:
> That and the fact that an ISP would be aiding and abetting
> illegal activities, in the eyes of the RIAA and MPAA.  That's
> to say that technically it would not be better, but that it
> never happen due to political and legal issues, IMO.

As always consult your own legal advisor, however in the USA
DMCA 512(b) probably makes caching by ISPs legal.  ISPs have not
been shy about using the CDA and DMCA to protect themselves from

Although caching has been very popular outside the USA, in
particular in 
countries with very expensive trans-oceanic circuits, in the USA
is mostly a niche service for ISPs.  The issue in the USA is more
the cost of operating and maintaing the caching systems are more
than the operational cost of the bandwidth in the USA.

Despite some claims from people that ISPs should just shovel
some US ISPs have used various caching systems for a decade.

It would be a shame to make Squid illegal for ISPs to use.

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