We've been trying to get DSL (instead of dial-up via a POTS line) at our datacenters for out-of-band access.

We tried here (Intergate.Seattle in Tukwila) and came up empty also, fell back on POTS.

Have you thought about just getting IP from other providers in the building?

I thought it would be cool to start up a little co-op in our building of copper cross-connects between various providers STRICTLY for OOB network access. No sales involved, no revenue, strictly butt-saving OOB access. I was actually getting traction until one ... for lack of a better term "party pooper"... put the kibosh on the whole thing and ripped all the wiring out before we had finished.

Several of us thought it was a fine idea. I imagine it *could* work in certain buildings/environments with more enlightened facilities and technical people around.

(just sharing the thought out there in case anyone decides to run with it)


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