On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Barry Shein wrote:


is going to go to whatever MX example.com returns.

Yes, I'm aware.

Sean's point was that you can't cause, e.g., [EMAIL PROTECTED] alone to go to a server other than the same set of servers listed for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Right, his point was that load or policy (" administrators may make changes which affect all addresses) would cause a problem, and this was, for some reason, due to routing of email addresses.

I took issue with the policy side of the comment. While it's possible, it's got nowt to do with limitations in SMTP routing, it's just operator error.

If that ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) overloads those servers, even if they're
valiantly trying to pass the connection off to another machine, then
you have to use some other method like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and hope the clients will somehow use that tho for
BIGCOMPANY there's a tendency to just bang in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Right, I do understand that. There are obvious ways to horizontally scale inbound mail using MX records and more, so the load issue shouldn't be an issue for any given organisation. Least not more than once.

However, I didn't comment on the load part of Sean's point.

If you think I'm wrong (or Sean's wrong) even for a milisecond then
trust me, this is going right over your head. Think again or email me
privately and I'll try to be more clear.

I don't think this is over my head.

Paul Jakma      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood.
                -- Louise Beal

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