On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
In my view, it's the responsibility of everyone on the net to do
whatever they can to squelch the first.  But they have no obligations
at all when it comes to the second -- that way lies the slippery
slope of content policing and censorship.

The technical tools and techniques available to ISPs are essentially
the same regardless of the type of use being targetted.

So reviewing sets of documents from various groups for technical capabilities, how can ISPs implement them? Are there any technical capabilities available which haven't been included? Are there technical capabilities included which aren't really feasible?

1. Traceability and impersonation of identifiers
2. Accountability and dynamic changes of identifiers
3. Availability and interference with other communications
4. Confidentialty and privacy of communications
5. Integrity and changes to communications
6. Alertability and status of communications
7. Acceptability and choosing which communications

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