>>> I am looking for a typical percentage of external(inter-domain)
>>> routes versus typical percentage of internal (intra-domain) routes in
>>> a core router with couple of hundred thousand entries in the routing
>>> table. Can anyone please help me in this?
>> I think first you have to decide what a typical AS looks like. The
>> question, as it stands, is too general for any answer to be (in)defensible.
> Assuming you are talking about service providers and not their
> enterprise customers, you can probably get a fairly decent number by
> looking at routing announcements for whatever you'd call a typical
> network. Say...
> AS (vendor L) routes / total routes or AS (vendor V) / total routes.

It's important to keep in mind that internal deaggregation for
different networks can be very high. /30s may be carried for private
interconnects as an example.


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