-----Original Message-----
Leo Bicknell
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:51 AM
To: North American Network Operators Group
Subject: Re: v6 subnet size for DSL & leased line customers

In a message written on Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 11:27:13AM +0100, Iljitsch
van Beijnum wrote:
> 100% of the DHCP functionality). But apart from that, some of the  
> choices made along the way make DHCPv6 a lot harder to use than DHCP  
> for IPv4. Not only do you lack a default gateway (which is actually a

> good thing for fate sharing reasons) but also a subnet prefix length  
> and any extra on-link prefixes. So even if you do address  
> configuration with DHCPv6 you need RAs for that other information.  

I would note, it's not too late to fix these problems.  We don't
have wide spread IPv6 deployment yet, and I can't imagine it's all
that hard to send a default gateway in DHCPv6, for example.


Someone earlier threw out an offhand 'preferred gateway' DHCPv6
parameter as a possibility.  This is actually a nifty idea...

"Hey, you there, use potential gateways in the following order!"

It has the same utility and simplicity that MX records do.


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