On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:04:37 EST, Deepak Jain said:
> Encouraging "encryption" of more protocols is an interesting way to 
> discourage this kind of shaping.

Dave Dittrich, on another list yesterday:

> They're not the only ones getting ready.  There are at least 5 anonymous
> P2P file sharing networks that use RSA or Diffie-Hellman key exchange
> to seed AES/Rijndael encryption at up to 256 bits. See:

> http://www.planetpeer.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

> You can only filter that which you can see, and there are many ways
> to make it hard to see what's going over the wire.

Bottom line - "they" can probably deploy the countermeasures faster than
"we" can deploy the shaping....

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