I am looking for a commercial DNS service that provides geo-directionality. Suppose I have 4 data centers scattered thruout the world and want users to hit the closest data center based on proximity checks (pings, TTLs, latency, load, etc.). I know one can "roll their own", using various geo-locational data from companies like Maxmind. I am *not* interested in that. I am *not* interested in applicances like the Cisco ACE GSS 4400 either (that do this as well):

What I am looking for is a commercial DNS service.

Is the Akamai Edgescape service the closest to what I want:
Is anyone using it?  Can you recommend it?

Another service I know about is the Ultradns (now Neustar) Directional DNS:
But this service is based on statically defined IP responses at each of their 14 sites so there is no proximity checking done.


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