On 18-Jan-2008, at 05:39, Randy Bush wrote:

similarly for the root, as rip.psg.com serves some tlds.
The request has to come from a TLD manager (anyone which uses

i can go down the hall to the mirror and ask myself to ask me to do it. :)


but, of course, you would get a more authoritative reply from IANA.

i am hoping that.

It's the same process that is used to update a delegation in the root zone. For ccTLDs I believe there's some kind of web portal to allow such changes to be requested, but my experience is that the old text form also still works just fine.

I've done this a number of times over the past few years and have not had any problems.

I don't know what the process is for getting IPv6 addresses associated with host records in the VGRS COM/NET registry, but it seems like good information to share here if you find a definitive answer.


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