On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:12 PM, William Herrin wrote:

 For renumbering purposes, you could reasonably expect the firewall
to perform the translations once when rebooted or reset, after which
it would use the discovered IP addresses.

You can do that now with most firewalls and ACLs on most routers - there's generally a configuration setting which allows/disallows live lookups of hostnames when config files are updated containing same. I don't like it due to the load it puts on the resolving box, plus the auditing issue, but some folks do it.

This would only fail where the firewall was being operated by someone in a different
administrative domain that the engineer who has to renumber... And
those scenarios are already indicative of a security problem.

'Renumbering' happens all the time due to multiple A records for a single FQDN, DNS-based load-balancing setups, etc. And remember, in many cases, there are hosts in firewall rules/ACLs which are not part of the operator's own administrative domain, but which are external to it.

Unfortunately, we're all ignoring the big white elephant in the
room: spam filters. When a large flow of email suddenly starts
emitting from an address that didn't previously send significant
amounts of mail, a number of filters squash it for a while based
solely on the changed message rate. This can be very traumatic for the
engineer trying to renumber and it is 100% outside of his realm of
control. And of course, you lose all of the private whitelists that
you talked your way on to over the years where you no longer have a
valid point of contact.

With regards to antispam systems which are configured to behave in such a manner, this is (or ought to be) a BCP issue, obviously.

 Renumbering is a bad bad thing.

Renumbering in a world in which EIDs and locators are conflated and in which the EID is in any case vastly overloaded from a policy perspective is indeed very painful, and not just for the renumbering party, but for many others, as well.

Roland Dobbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> // 408.527.6376 voice

        Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

           -- Ford Motor Company

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