$quoted_author = "Scott Francis" ;
> maybe there's a lot more overlap in shipping lanes and cable runs than
> I thought ...

In confined waters like the Suez, Red Sea et. al. there is a lot of overlap.
Which makes three cables cuts in that area during bad weather not such a
stretch of the imagination.

Open waters like trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific have less overlap with
shipping lanes but still need to cross fishing areas etc.etc. But you'd be a
little more suspicious if those sites had a similar cluster of cuts unless
there was something in common (i.e. same landing station, cuts close to


"Life's Little Mysteries. Noel Hunter of Chippendale is one of many to be 
confused, and amused, by the pair of professionally produced No Regrets 
street signs near the corner of Greens Road and Albion Avenue, Paddington. 
Printed in the same style as No Standing signs, their proximity to the 
College of Fine Arts may give a clue to their origins. Whatever, having 
regrets while between the signs is subject to a $144 fine from the NSW 
Dept of Second Thoughts." [1]

[1] - http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/03/31/1080544560873.html

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