>     The other side of this besides the delayed receiving of messages is 
> with monitoring you want to get the alerts even if your network is down 
> and unable to send via email to your pager, cellphone, etc. Having an 
> out of band method to get those alerts out on criticial alerts is 
> paramount. I've used Nagios for many years but unfortunately have never 
> worked with sending through Verizon. I've had decent experience using 
> Sprint's gateways sending to my phone with minimal delay.
        Our solution, crufty as it might be, was that our monitoring
server has a modem on it. As long as the pots lines are up, we just
have it ring the on-call cell phone. When you see the caller ID, you
know its time to get to a terminal. Usually our [EMAIL PROTECTED] would
follow 10-15 seconds later.


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