Howdy, over the past 4-6 months or so I have been attempting to find 
various means of interconnecting our main POP in a very small market (From a 
telecom options standpoint) in Ohio with one of the IX points in the US or at 
least a facility in another state/city which offers more options for us. It 
appears we have outgrown our market (we are beginning to hit the "We only offer 
DS-3/OC-3 in that market..." conversations..) and we will either need to move, 
or we will need to get creative. (option A is out..) I've found the willingness 
of the carriers with whom we've had long standing profitable relationships to 
work with us in achieving this goal well, lacking. We are currently ON NET with 
3 major international telecommunication companies who seem very willing to keep 
pumping their transit into our facility but are not willing to allow us to use 
their network to cross-connect to other carriers or even to connect to their 
co-location facilities in other markets...?

        It could be that I am approaching them with the wrong terminology, or 
it could be that I am going about this in the wrong way altogether. Does anyone 
else have experience growing a network out of your local market and 
success/horror stories going along with it? We aren't really interested in a 
second datacenter. We would just like to connect our current datacenter via a 
redundant fiber ring of some sort to an IX or a city which has more transit 
choices than Podunk. Also any advice on where would actually be a good place 
from Ohio (Chicago is an obvious choice...) to cross connect would be helpful 
as well, but I am mainly looking for opinions or thoughts on technical 
challenges of "doing it yourself" and trying to get telecoms to help. (it seems 
like it would be cheaper initially to buy backhaul from a telecom but in the 
long run to build it yourself, but I am not sure on maintenance costs..)

Thanks in advance.


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