Le 25 févr. 08 à 02:42, Patrick W. Gilmore a écrit :

On Feb 24, 2008, at 7:36 PM, Tomas L. Byrnes wrote:

1: Hosted at a Tier 1 provider.

That is a silly requirement.

(I am sorry, I tried hard to find a nicer way to say this, but I really feel strongly about this.)

2: Within a jurisdiction where North American operators have a good
chance of having the law on their side in case of any network outage
caused by the entity.

This is also a bit strange. Do your users never attach to a host outside the USofA?

Wasn't it humour / joke / troll :-) ?
If not, maybe we've to follow discussion on nnsquad (Network Neutrality Squad) mailing list ?

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