On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:29:01 EST, Randy Epstein said:
> > Our own or our singlehomed customers' address space -- we would reject
> > such an advertisement.  The same inbound consistency check applies to
> > peers and upstreams/transits.

> What do you do when one of your multi-homed customers on your IP space has
> an outage on their connection to your network?  How would your customers
> then reach that customer?

He explicitly said "single-homed".  Of course, multi-homed requires different
handling, because you may hear their other home announce them (although again,
you probably shouldn't listen to *THAT* announcement either if *your* link to
them is up).  And I posit that if you don't know if your customer is single or
multi-homed, you have *bigger* issues to deal with.

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