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Forwarded on Mirjam's behalf.

Aside: If you find the Thaler/Aboba article on protocol success
interesting you might also want to check out the plenary slides
from the last IETF:

- Lucy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:55:40 +0100
Subject: IETF Journal Announcement


The new issue of the IETF Journal - Volume 3, Issue 3 - is now
available at

This issue's main focus is Security and Unwanted Traffic. Please also
note the previous issue (Volume 3, Issue 2) which covered many topics
related to IPv6.

You can read this publication online or choose to download the full
issue in PDF format. You can also keep up to date with the latest
issue of the IETF Journal by subscribing to one of our RSS or Atom

For comments or suggestions, please do not hesiate to contact us at

Kind Regards,
Mirjam Kuehne
Internet Society (ISOC)

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