Do you have any users who forward their email to their free addresses from your server?

That is likely the core of Justin's problem.

We've found the way to minimize issues with yahoo mail are:

1. Clean up (ideally eliminate) the .forwarders on your end.
        This requires some effort on your part to educate your
        customers on how they are making their own lives
        more difficult with their behaviors. Always a tough task.

2. Scour your outbound queues of garbage
        "be conservative in what you send"

3. Agressive delivery retries, but early discards.
        In other words, we've noted the yahoo MX machines seem to
        operate their greylists independantly, so if one stops you
        the next one may not. Don't wait too long before you retry
        but dump mail after X hours if yahoo won't accept it. We've
        settled on 6 hours. Any longer and it just stays backed up

Let me know if you get in touch with anyone :)


I agree with Ray on this one... I'll gladly buy a sushi lunch for the first real yahoo mail admin that ever appears in meatspace. I'm convinced that there are no real humans working mail ops there.


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