My understanding of the mandate is that they (the Department and Agencies) 
demonstrate passing IPv6 traffic on their backbone from one system out to their 
backbone and back to another system.
A number of agencies, if I remember the number of about 30 have IPv6 
allocations. IRS has demonstrated mandate compliance and several others are in 
line to also show mandate compliance. 
Both the Federal CIO Council and the Small CIO council are working with a 
number of their members to not only obtain compliance with the mandate but 
examine their processes to see how IPv6 can give them a better method of 
providing their services to each other and the public.
John (ISDN) Lee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glen Kent
Sent: Sat 3/15/2008 2:19 AM
To: NANOG list
Subject: Transition Planning for IPv6 as mandated by the US Govt


I was just reading, released
some time back in 2005, and it seems that the US Govt. had set the
target date of 30th June 2008 for all federal govt agencies to move
their network backbones to IPv6. This deadline is almost here. Are we
any close for this transition?

I have another related question:

Do all ISPs atleast support tunneling the IPv6 pkts to some end point?
For example, is there a way for an IPv6 enthusiast to send his IPv6
packet from his laptop to a remote IPv6 server in the current
circumstances if his ISP does not actively support native IPv6?


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