Yeah, but without them saying which IP's are causing the problems you can't 
really tell which servers in a datacenter are forwarding their spam/abusing 
Yahoo. Once the /24 block is in place then they claim to have no way of knowing 
who actually caused the block on the /24. The feedback loop would help 
depending on your network size. When you have a few hundred thousand clients, 
and those clients have clients, and they even have client, it simply floods 
your abuse desk with complaints from Yahoo when it is obviously forwarded spam. 
So it's more of pick your poison deal with customer complaints about not being 
able to send to yahoo for a few days or get your abuse desk flooded with 
complaints which hinders solving actual issues like compromised accounts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:33 PM
To: Raymond L. Corbin
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Hash: SHA512

Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had to tell some dedicated server clients that they will need to 
> disable their forwards to Yahoo or add something like postini for those 
> accounts that forward to Yahoo...It generally works...however Yahoo! for the 
> past three months is now blocking entire /24's if a few IP's get complaints. 
> They have the feedback loops however when you have a network with 175,000 IP 
> addresses and you sign up for a feedback loop for them all they tend to flood 
> your abuse desk with false positives, or forwarded spam. They also don't keep 
> track of which IP's are getting the complaints for you to investigate after 
> the block on the /24 so asking them won't help :(. This potentially means one 
> customer could easily effect the other customer. They offer whitelisting, but 
> this won't get you passed their blocks on the entire /24. They apparently 
> will eventually accept the message because they aren't necessarily 'blocked' 
> but they are 'depriortized' meaning they don't believe your IP is importan
t enough to deliver the message at that time, so they want you to keep trying 
and when their servers are not 'busy' or 'over loaded' they will accept the 
message. (Paraphrased from conversations with their 'Bulk Mail Advocacies and 
Anti-Abuse manager.)

I've had to tell some of our customers the same and that if they wanted to
continue the forwarding to their accounts, they'd need to add spam
filtering to their accounts here so that the crap is not forwarded,
resulting in the email delays for all customers. Works for some and
generated more revenue.... ;-)


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