We do have dual stack in all our customer sites, and at the time being
didn't got complains or support calls that may be considered due to the
So far everyone who has contacted me has generally reported a positive experience with their transitions.

The biggest complaints so far have come from end users who want to multihome and will be unable to do so under IPv6 due to allocation restrictions.

End user sites seem to be of the opinion that they have enough addresses and that IP shortages are the ISP's problem. They don't want to spend money on upgrades only to wind up with a lesser service than they already have- and that's a fair criticism.

Does it make sense to allow early adopters to multi-home and "punish" those who delay by making it significantly harder? Would that help? Hurt? Accomplish nothing?

Regarding the prefix filters-
Do /32 filters make sense given the ISP allocation of /32 or would a /34 filter (for example) make sense to allow for very limited deaggregation (to make moves and transitions easier- or to allow better traffic balances)- or is this just asking for problems? I'm just curious about opinions and by no means trying to start a flame war.


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