People are asking me to port a summary back to the list, but as I'm still getting replies coming in I'm going to leave this until tomorrow.


Sam Stickland wrote:


Thanks for the replies that have started rolling in. They've made me realise I should have added an additional question for clarity.

Does anyone have any CCIE (or equivalent technical ability) staff on a 24x7 shift? What about CCIE level staff on an on-call rota with a garanteed response time? How about CCNP?

If people could also give an identication of the size of their organisation/network it would be useful.


Sam Stickland wrote:


I'm wondering how different organisations structure their 24x7 network operations? We are undergoing some restructuring here and it would be interesting for us to know how other large enterprises and service providers arrange this. We are particulary interested in service providers. (Currently we have an enterprise that is slowly morphing into more of a service provider setup). I'll summarise back to the list, after removing any identifying details.

These questions specifically refer to network staff, as opposed to any general Ops team.

Do you have 24x7 staff on site?
What level of technical ability do the on-site staff have?
What shift patterns do the 24x7 staff use?

Do you have a response time for on-call staff, by which time they must be VPN'ed into the network?
What level of techincal ability do the first line on-call staff have?
Do you have an official escalation system if the first-line on-call staff do not have the required techincal ability? Do the staff on on-call escalation have a required response time, by which time they must be VPN'ed into the network?
Do the staff on on-call escalation rota the on-call responsibilities?
Do the on-call staff receive additional benefits or compensation for being on-call?

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