On 10/19/07, Patrick Giagnocavo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2007, at 3:42 PM, John C. A. Bambenek wrote:
> >
> > Since when did private companies no longer have the right to regulate
> > their own property?
> >
> > I must have missed the Amendment...
> If you want to make a property argument, how do you explain them
> denying me my right to enjoy my rental of their property?
> If Comcast were a landlord, they would be interfering with my quiet
> enjoyment and my rights in possession.

I'm finding the thread interesting with respect to the devices, how
they work, how we might be able to identify them, and why this is a
bad idea as related to the engineering and/or operation; capex, opex,
O&M, etc. We already know that the givens are that it's generally
socially unacceptable to filter, but without Comcast's motivation
being know, it's hard to speculate as to the "why" they did it. Let's

If we can drop the politics and legalities, I think we have a winner.

Best Regards,

Martin Hannigan

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