On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 02:14:58PM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> The only decision that is required is whether new generic top-level  
> domains are desired. If not, do nothing. Otherwise, shake as much  
> energy into the system as possible and sit back and let it find its  
> own steady state.
> Joe

        possession and use of classV explosives is regulated in
        most jurisdictions.

        but if you think that if we pack enough C4 into the DNS
        and set it off, that we might find equalibrium, you might
        be right. :)  the result will still be a flat namespace,
        (perhaps a crater where the namespace was).

        one might legitimately argue that ICANN is in need of 
        some serious regulation....

        that can happen at that national level or on the international


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