> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 11:18 AM
> To: nanog
> Subject: Cisco vs Adtran vs Juniper
> Hi there..
> I'm looking for some constructive feedback on **real world**
> experiences
> please...

We use all three, so hopefully my experience can help.

> We're primarily a Cisco shop today - our core and distribution are
> all
> Cisco driven and will continue to be (won't change that so not worth
> discussing today).
> My question is oriented towards two other markets primarily:
> Security Devices
> Remote Office/Customer Site Devices
> Let me elaborate a bit more...
> Security - today, we've been deploying Cisco ASA boxes (was PIX
> before
> that) with pretty good success.  However, in comparison to Juniper
> the
> Cisco boxes are *really* expensive - at least to us anyways.  Juniper
> has nice products so I'm looking at proposing a solution internally
> to
> move towards the Juniper security appliances.  Feedback from folks on
> them vs Cisco ASA??

They both have their pros and cons, obviously.  The ASA is a big step in the 
right direction from the PIX.  SSL VPN capabilities, antivirus, and minimal 
IDS.  Juniper SSGs don't do SSL VPN, but do antivirus, antispam, expandable 
ports (on the SSG-20) for T1/ADSL/ISDN, etc.  We use more PIX and Juniper than 
ASA, but from what I've seen, the ASA is pretty decent.  VPN upgrades are 
expensive, as are other various licenses.

The Juniper SSG is also nice and reliable, but the web GUI sucks.  It works on 
some computers and not others and it's all dependent upon stupid Java, so 
you'll have to learn the CLI in order to reliably do anything with them.  Also, 
they charge you for their IPSec VPN client, which is nickel-and-diming, if you 
ask me.  When you do install it, you can't have it co-exist with the Cisco VPN 
client, at least not a couple years ago when I tried it.

We're split pretty evenly between Cisco and Juniper boxes and are happy with 
both.  It all really depends on the services you want to sell or support for 
your customers, as each box can do different things.

> Remote Office/Customer Site Devices - today, we do a lot of "managed
> routers" to customer sites.  Again, cost driven, I'm being pushed
> towards looking at Adtran devices for customer sites that we
> maintain.
> I have nothing against Adtran but haven't viewed them to date as
> being
> in the same "arena" as Cisco/Juniper etc..  these routers are mainly
> providing basic firewalling/NAT and some very small VPN activity at
> times.

Both Cisco and Juniper offer great options for this.  CPE from both is 
typically very solid.  Juniper has the added benefit of being able to convert 
their J-series boxes to Netscreen SSG firewalls and the cards are 
interchangeable between the security/J-series platforms.  Of course, this does 
cost you in license fees.  NAT on the J-series is a pain to set up and 
unfortunately, the default 256M flash on them is just too small to support an 
easy JUNOS upgrade.

The Adtran routers are very Cisco-like.  Haven't done VPN and last time (years 
ago) we used the firewall, it continually crashed the router.  I'm sure things 
have improved.  Main reason to use Adtran is price.  I'm personally more biased 
towards Juniper because JUNOS blows IOS out of the water, but Cisco CPE in our 
experience is very reliable.  Believe it or not, we still have 2500s out in the 

> To take this one step further, some of our voice folks are really
> enjoying the Adtran boxes as it offers an "all in one solution" which
> is
> a router, firewall, "voice" box (many options - PRI handoff, T1,
> FXS/FXO) and in some of their boxes 24 POE switch ports as well.
> This
> is kinda cool I'll admit but the approach in the past has been to
> drop
> in a Cisco router, Adtran for voice applications, and then Cisco POE
> switches if required.  This is very costly compared to Adtran's all
> in
> one approach.... so am I being stubborn on this or is the Adtran
> products in this case in the same league??  I had some terrible track
> record with Adtran a number of years ago so my back gets up when
> their
> name is mentioned...;)

Adtran makes *decent* products.  We have hundreds of 900s and 600s deployed and 
physical/network stability is excellent.  With VoIP, they are reliable and 
depending on what type of signalling you're using them with, along with what 
type of softswitch, you might see some bugs and have to provide their support 
with debug info.  The SNMP support on them is pretty horrible, though.  We use 
the TotalAccess 600s and 900s, but I've tested the NetVanta switch before.  
It's a decent switch, but I couldn't attest to its voice capabilities as we 
were only testing PoE and basic layer-2 and layer-3 capabilities at the time.  
One awesome thing about Adtran is their support - they do have a good support 
team and have 10-year warranties on their products.  And one more annoying 
thing about them - console access is done by proprietary DB-9 connectors and 
cables which they don't actually ship with the boxes.

As for the Cisco VoIP solution, I can tell you that we investigated Cisco a 
couple years ago and their solutions were so cost-prohibitive that it was an 
impossibility for our customer base.  They also required a certified CVP 
on-staff just to be able to order certain equipment.  Not sure if that's 
changed over the years, but it was not an option for us at all at the time.


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