Pardon my ignorance here, but isn't this more of a case of traffic
growing outside of the USA which means that traffic within the USA
represents a smaller share of the total internet traffic ?
I suspect so - especially with CDN/Content providers pushing traffic out to the edge it means that we (the rest of the world) don't pay so much to haul it back from Northern America! (Thanks to those who are doing it - you know who you are and we love you for it!).

Japan has 80% of it's internet traffic as domestic, as do a lot of Asian countries. As China, Korea and others grow their domestic volumes the %age coming from the USA is a lot less.

Did western europe ever really have a primary route via the USA to reach
asia  ? (I realise that during the cable cuts in middle east last year,
traffic might have been rerouted via USA but this would be a temporary
Most Asian providers (at least Northern Asia) use USA, Atlantic path to get to Europe. The capacity going Westt isn't that high in comparision, so the extra latency hit is well offset by the much reduced cost. My point in my first post is that this is changing rapidly as people (eg Reliance/Flag) are building more capacity West to Europe plus the Trans-Russian terrestrial (eg. TEA) are going for fast (and expensive from my understanding).

For instance, out of Australia we have a single, old cable going West out of Perth to Singapore (SEA-ME-WE3) which allows only low speed circuits, but we've got almost 4 (as of next year) cables going North and East out of Sydney. So most Europe traffic to/from Australia is via the USA.


Matthew Moyle-Croft - Internode/Agile - Networks
Level 4, 150 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
Direct: +61-8-8228-2909             Mobile: +61-419-900-366
Reception: +61-8-8228-2999          Fax: +61-8-8235-6909

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