On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Tom Sparks (Applied Operations) wrote:

Basically is what it boils down to for me - its easy to blame
an NSP/ISP/Hoster for what their clients do, it takes real dedication to
find out whats *actually* going on.


Atrivo is not just a spammer, and Intercage has _not_ "taken care of" problems - unless you count moving IP addresses around as "taking care of" things. I'm sure the people downloading child pr0n or hosting virus / C&C servers were very inconvenienced from having to change a hostname. Pardon me if I am incredulous. And not because we were not dedicated in trying to find out what was *actually* going on. Try reading up on your friend before accusing the community of not doing due diligence.

And don't give me any BS about not reading his abuse@ mail.

Eventually ignorance (willful ignorance?) in the service of evil becomes indistinguishable from malice.

Basically, THAT is what it boils down to for me, and apparently everyone else as well.


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